
About Mooc's
MOOCs are online courses offered through an ICT platform that enables students to access high quality video lectures, reading resources; allows them to participate in discussion forums; take tests and also earn academic grades. MOOCs may either be Credit or Non-Credit bearing under semester system.

“Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds” (SWAYAM) is the indigenous ICT based platform for hosting Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) developed under the aegis of NME-ICT. An initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, MOOCs supplement the formal education system in the country from high school to higher education offering courses based on curriculum, continuing education and skill

Sr. No   Title of the Course   Principal Investigator /
Course Coordinator
  Co-Course Coordinator
1.   Retail Management   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   -
2.   Information Technology   Dr. Balkrishna Damle   Bageshree Deo
3.   Communication and Business Correspondence   Dr. Balkrishna Damle   Bageshree Deo
4.   Basics in Management   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   Vivek Nabar
5.   Business Law   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   Vivek Nabar
6.   Business Planning and Project Management   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   Vivek Nabar
7.   Fundamentals in Banking and Insurance   Dr. Girija Shankar   Vivek Nabar
8.   Financial Accounting   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   Vivek Nabar
9.   Fundamentals of Management Control System   Ashish Nikam   Vivek Nabar
10.   Fundamentals of Office Management and Methods   Dr. Ravi Ahuja   Vivek Nabar